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SVG NBA Trading Cards Front/Back

SVG NBA Trading Cards Front
SVG NBA Trading Cards Back

For this project I wanted to see if I could replicate in Power BI the NBA trading cards I used to collect as a kid. All of the elements such as stats, description, colors, and images are data driven from the model. You will need to add a custom visual to your Power BI report called HMTL Content . Once you have that installed you can create the measures below and start mapping your data. Another note is that you will need to host your images on the web somewhere and reference those urls in your data.

Source code

Card Front


Card Front = 

 // Get card data 
 VAR PlayerName = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Name]) 
 VAR PlayerImage = MAX('Card Images Dim'[Card Front])
 VAR TeamColor1 = MAX('Teams Dim'[Color 1])
 VAR JerseyAndTeam = MAX('Teams Dim'[City]) & " " & MAX('Teams Dim'[Name]) & " | #" & MAX('Card Player Fact'[Jersey Number])

// HTML code
 VAR FinalCode = "



    #container {
        width: 350px;
        height: 450px;
        position: relative;
      #card {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
         z-index: 10;



    <div id='container'>
        <div id='image'>

            <img src='" & PlayerImage &"' height='450' width='350' />


        <div id='card'>
            <svg height = '450' width='350'>
               <!-- Borders -->
                <rect height='430' width = '20' fill ='white'></rect> 
                <rect height='430' width = '20' x='330' fill ='white'></rect>
                <rect height='20' width = '350' fill ='White'></rect>
                <rect height='20' width = '350' y='430' fill ='White'></rect>

               <!-- Card Content --> 
                <rect height='40' width='250' y='365' x='50' fill='white' stroke='black' stroke-width='1px' rx='5px' ry='5px' stroke-linejoin='round' ></rect>
                <rect height='40' width='250' y='315' x='50' fill='" & TeamColor1 & "' stroke='white' stroke-width='1px' rx='5px' ry='5px' stroke-linejoin='round'></rect>
                <text x='50%' y='336' dominant-baseline='middle' text-anchor='middle' font='ariel' font-size='20' font-family='Tahoma' font-weight='bold' fill='white'>" & PlayerName & "</text>  
                <text x='50%' y='387' dominant-baseline='middle' text-anchor='middle' font='ariel' font-size='18' font-family='arial' fill='black'>" & JerseyAndTeam & " </text>  


</html> "

RETURN FinalCode

Card Back

    Card Back = 

 // Get card data 
 VAR CardNumber = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Card ID]) // Card Number
 VAR PlayerName = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Name]) // Player Name
 VAR PlayerImage = MAX('Card Images Dim'[Card Back]) // Player Image
 VAR TeamColor1 = MAX('Teams Dim'[Color 1]) // Team Color 1
 VAR TeamColor2 = MAX('Teams Dim'[Color 2]) // Team Color 2
 VAR Season = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Season]) // Season 
 VAR GP = MAX('Card Player Fact'[GP]) // Games Played
 VAR GS = MAX('Card Player Fact'[GS]) // Games Started
 VAR MINAVG = MAX('Card Player Fact'[MIN]) // Minutes Played
 VAR FGM = MAX('Card Player Fact'[FG]) // Field Goals Made
 VAR THREEPT = MAX('Card Player Fact'[3PT]) // 3 Pointers Made
 VAR FTM = MAX('Card Player Fact'[FT]) // Free Throws Made
 VAR REB = MAX('Card Player Fact'[REB]) // Rebounds
 VAR STL = MAX('Card Player Fact'[STL]) // Steals
 VAR AST = MAX('Card Player Fact'[AST]) // Assists 
 VAR BLK = MAX('Card Player Fact'[BLK]) // Blocks
 VAR PTS = MAX('Card Player Fact'[PTS]) // Points 
 VAR PlayerDesc = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Description]) // Description of Player
 VAR PlayerCollege = MAX('Card Player Fact'[College]) // Player College
 VAR PlayerHeight = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Height]) // Player Height
 VAR PlayerDraft = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Drafted]) // Player Draft Position 
 VAR PlayterTeam = MAX('Teams Dim'[City]) & " " & MAX('Teams Dim'[Name]) // Player Team
 VAR PlayerPosition = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Position]) // Player Position
 VAR PlayerJerseyNumber = MAX('Card Player Fact'[Jersey Number]) // Player Jersey Number
 VAR PlayerBottomStats = "Team: " & PlayterTeam & " | Number: " & PlayerJerseyNumber & " | Position: " & PlayerPosition & " | Height: " & PlayerHeight & " | College: " & PlayerCollege & " | Drafted: " & PlayerDraft // Bottom Stats Combined

VAR FinalCode = "<html>


      #container {
        width: 350px;
        height: 450px;
        position: relative;
      #card {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        z-index: 10;

       font-size: 9px;



    <div id='container'>
        <div id='image'>

            <img src='" & PlayerImage & "' height='450' width='350' />


        <div id='card'>
            <svg height = '450' width='350'>
                <!-- Left Background -->
                <rect height='450' width = '200' fill ='white'></rect>

                <!-- Right Background -->
                 <rect height='450' width='150' x='200' opacity='0.6' fill='" & TeamColor1 & "'> </rect> 

                <!-- Card Number Background -->
                <polygon points='0 0, 0 40, 40 0'/>

                <!-- Stats Background-->
                <rect height='120' width='350' y='280' x='0' fill='#ebebeb'></rect>

                <!-- Card Number -->
                <text x='5' y='15' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='10' font-weight='bold'>" & CardNumber & "</text>
                <!-- Player Description -->
                <foreignObject x='12' y='35' width='180' height='255'>
                     <p id = 'playerdesc'>" & PlayerDesc & "</p>
                <!-- Player Bottom Stats -->
                <foreignObject x='12' y='353' width='330' height='255'>
                     <p id = 'playerdesc'>" & PlayerBottomStats & "</p>

                 <!--Name Label-->
                 <text x='50%' y='302' dominant-baseline='middle' text-anchor='middle' font='arial' font-size='28' font-family='Tahoma' fill='black'>" & PlayerName & " </text>  
                <!-- Stats Label Bar -->
                <rect height='22' width='334' x='9' y='320' fill='black'></rect>
                 <!-- Season Label-->
                 <text x='14' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>Season</text>

                <!-- (GP) Games Played Label-->
                <text x='56' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>GP</text>
                <!-- (GS) Games Started Label-->
                 <text x='79' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>GS</text>

                 <!-- (MIN) Mintues Played Average Label-->
                <text x='104' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>MIN</text>

                 <!-- (FGM) Field Goals Label-->
                 <text x='129' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>FGM</text>

                 <!-- (3PT) 3 Pointers Label-->
                <text x='159' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>3PT</text>

                 <!-- (FTM) Free Throws Label-->
                 <text x='184' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>FTM</text>

                <!-- (REB Rebounds Label)-->
                <text x='214' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>REB</text>

                <!-- (BLK) Blocks Label-->
                <text x='244' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>BLK</text>

                <!-- (STL) Steals Label-->
                <text x='269' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>STL</text>

                <!-- (AST) Assits Label-->
                <text x='294' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>AST</text>

                <!-- (PTS) Points Label-->
                <text x='319' y='335' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='white' font-size='11'>PTS</text>

                <!-- Season Stat-->         
                <text x='14' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & Season & "</text>

                <!-- (GP) Games Played Stat-->
                <text x='56' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & GP & "</text>

                <!-- (GS) Games Started Stat-->
                <text x='79' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & GS & "</text>
                <!-- (MIN) Minutes Average Stat-->
                <text x='104' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & MINAVG & "</text>
                <!-- (FG) Field Goals Stat-->
                <text x='129' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & FGM & "</text>

                <!-- (3PT) 3 Pointers Stat-->
                <text x='159' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & THREEPT & "</text>

                <!-- (FT) Free Throws Stat-->
                <text x='184' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & FTM & "</text>
                <!-- (REB) Rebounds Stat-->
                <text x='214' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & REB & "</text>
                <!-- (BLK) Blocks Stat-->
                <text x='244' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & BLK & "</text>
                <!-- (STL) Steals Stat-->
                <text x='269' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & STL & "</text>
                <!-- (STL) Assists Stat-->
                 <text x='294' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & AST & "</text>

                <!-- (PTS) Points Stat-->
                <text x='319' y='355' font-family='Sans,Arial' fill='black' font-size='10'>" & PTS & "</text>





RETURN FinalCode